BESTSELLER (rank 7) - With our grafted mango varieties (Mangifera indica), you do not have to wait long for the first flowers and fruits, because mango trees are robust plants that reliably and early bear their oval, yellow fleshed, aromatic fruits in the winter garden.
Mango fruits are increasingly establishing themselves in our kitchens as dessert, chutney or essential ingredient of many Asian dishes. However, it is not only interesting for amateur and professional chefs to harvest their own mango fruit from a mango plant (Mangifera indica). The maturing of the exotic fruits at home is an experience for whole families. Fragrant flowers mostly in (early) summer precede the harvest. They stand as panicles on red stems at the end of the branches. Their petals bear white, pink and yellow parts. They are pollinated by insects. Since each plant bears both hermaphrodite and male flowers, fruit set is assured with only one plant and improved with a second partner plant. Fruits reach 200 to 400 g in this country, in the tropics 1000 g are possible. When the fruit is ripe, the peel is partially yellow or reddish. The ripening process usually takes four to five months. With grafted Mango plants, as we cultivate them, the harvest already starts in the 2nd to 3rd year after grafting. Already as a young tree they grow well branched and look attractive all year round with their oblong, evergreen leaves. Young leaves are reddish-orange and provide additional color spots.
Quality: worldwide known and popular tropical fruit from own harvest; fragrant flowers; evergreen & attractive; young leaves are reddish
Use: all year round in a heated conservatory or in bright rooms; from May to September outside in the garden in sheltered places (balcony, terrace, garden)
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