Flora Toskana supports a project in Malawi initiated by Deacon Alois Held from 86483 Thannhausen at two locations in order to provide appropriate assistance for deaf-blind and deprived children. The locations are near Blantyre in the south and in Salima in the middle of Malawi.
The school in Salima has been back in operation since September 2021 after a corona-related break. 880 children attend this school. Of these, about 40 are children with physical and/or mental disabilities. The teachers are paid by the government. The school has now been equipped to the extent that regular school activities are possible. Since the harvest in Malawi in 2021 was very small, the purchase of food was also supported.
The next big project is the construction of a boarding school for pupils. Investments are planned over 10 years in order to construct a building in different sections in which deaf-blind, blind, deaf children as well as children with other physical and mental disabilities can be boarded to enable them to attend school.
More information can be found at www.malawihilfe-schwaben.de
The donations will be handled by the non-profit registered association "Schwäbische Aufbauhilfe Malawi e.V.". There are no administrative costs, all work is done by volunteers.
If you want to help: Account for donations: Aufbauhilfe Malawi e.V., IBAN DE11 7206 9235 0000 0651 10 BIC GENODEF1THS. For further information please contact us, we will gladly put you in touch with Mr. Held.