The next day of shipment is Tuesday, 18. February.
Due to weather conditions it may be necessary to postpone shipment of orders with sensitive plants

Flora Toskana range of plants - Plants for the winter garden according to growth habit
Trees Indoor
Flora Toskana range of plants - Trees for the winter garden
Big Shrubs
Flora Toskana range of plants - Big shrubs for the winter garden
Small Shrubs
Flora Toskana range of plants - Small shrubs for the winter garden
Palms and alike
Flora Toskana range of plants - Palms for the winter garden
Climbers for Winter...
Flora Toskana range of plants - Climbing plants for the winter garden
Perennials and Grasses
Flora Toskana range of plants - Perennials and grasses for the winter garden
Flora Toskana range of plants - Standard plants (lollipop plants) for the winter garden