Wonderful exotic-tropical look: The shell ginger (Alpinia) from the ginger family (Zingiberaceae) delights you with its year-round decorative leaves and enchanting flowers in late autumn and winter.
Shell ginger (Alpinia zerumbet) got its name from the pink and white buds which resemble sea shells. As the buds open up, the flowers show a yellow inside with a dark red pattern. The flowers appear in a tight cluster at the end of shoots, that grow head- high at maximum when planted in a pot. The shoots, also, are a tropical- lush decoration for large living- rooms or greenhouse. In summer, Shell ginger can be placed on the terrace: despite its tropical look it can adapt to sunny places as well as semi- shade. If you put the plant back into the house in autumn, most leaves will be kept. At temperatures below +5 °C it will loose most of the leaves and in spring the thick roots will grow new shoots.
Quality: exotic flowers; slender habit; foliage plant; robust & adaptable to various temperatures; hardy
Use: in pots from May to October outside on balcony, terrace and in the garden; all year in a greenhouse or bright room
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