The cone-shaped, bright yellow flowers of the Golden Lotus Banana (Musella lasiocarpa) actually resemble lotus flowers, making these Asian bananas with their blueish shimmering leaves precious ornamental plants. The flowers last for months and are produced on stout shoots that are 3 to 5 years old.
The Golden Lotus Banana (Musella lasiocarpa) is worldwide not valued for its fruits but the more for its georgeous, fragrant, yellow flower that with its shape resembles a Lotus flower- hence its name. The big flower buds develop at the tip of strong, 3-4 year old stems in 60 to 80 cm height. There they continually open new rows of yellow bracts with little flowers at their base. However, they do not develop a blossom peduncle like other bananas do. That’s why the flower (which can last immaculate for up to 9 months in a warm spot) remains absolutely firm like a cap on the trunks. If fruits develop, than they are small, flat, roundish and contain many seed. In China they are used as cattle fodder. In this century, the Golden Lotus Banana was considered to be extinct in its Chinese origin Yunnan. It recently was rediscovered and since then cultivated by in vitro propagation so that nowadays it is spread again worldwide as ornamental plant. Its amazing flowers are accompanied with bluish green leaves that look almost like powdered. From its native country, the Golden Lotus Banana is used to cold but dry winter and can therefore be planted in the garden (like the Japanese Fiber Banana, Musa basjoo) if in winter it is protected by an app. 80 cm high cover of leaves that is held together by a round construction of wire netting. The Banana’s leaves and trunk will die back with first cold autumn days. The roots though will survive under the well-aerated insulation of leaves that should be protected from rain and snow by a cover of strawmat, twigs or perforated foils. In spring, new shoots will grow from the roots. With their bluish green leaves they bring a tropical feel to our North European gardens. In contrast to potted plants, Golden Lotus Banana will not develop flowers when planted in the garden because they then are not able to grow thick trunks.
Quality: impressive & fragrant banana flowers lasting for months; exotic tropical feel with bluish green leaves; robust & easy to care; can be planted in the garden (with winter protection)
Use: in pots from April/May ourdoors on balcony, terrace and in the garden; all year round in a greenhouse; with some reservations: planted in the garden (with good winter protection)
Data sheet
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