Harvest your own bananas! Banana perennial 'Dwarf Cavendish' (Musa x paradisiaca) remains comparatively small in growth, flowers and bears fruit at a young age – a must for winter and indoor gardeners who enjoy tropical fruits.
There are many different varieties of banana worldwide, but what you can buy in a shop in this country is usually the variety ‘Cavendish’. If you want to harvest bananas from own cultivation you should try a ‘descendant’ of this variety that only grows to a hight of 1.2-1.8 m (Cavendish:3-4 m): ‘Dwarf Cavendish’ (Musa x paradisiaca). It grows slowly and with an age of 3 years it starts blossoming. The flowers arise from the trunk’s middle as a big,red bud from which one white flower after another opens subsequently as the pedicel grows longer and longer. All flowers are infertile - fruits develop without pollination (parthenocarp). The fruits of ‘Dwarf Cavendish’ are - like the plant itself- small. The seedless, golden fruit pulp is sweet and has an intense aroma. After harvesting, the trunk producing the fruits dies: it actually consists only of leaf sheaths and is not a woody trunk. The root, however, continues living and produces many new shoots that grow up to blossoming plants with fruits. In a winter garden or bright room, ‘Dwarf Cavendish’ prefers permanently warm, humid and sunny situations with slightly humid soil. From June, bananas can be placed outdoors where they should have a half-shady place (because of humidity) rather than full sun. Wind does not harm bananas, but it rips the leaves making them look less attractive. A little botanical excursion: most of the banana we know today origin from Musa acuminata - an edible wild banana- and Musa balbisiana, an inedible South American banana with many seeds. Musa balbisiana is especially resistant against disease, drought and cold. Most descendants of this cross breeding are usually systematized as Musa x paradisiaca, which is often abbreviated to Musa acuminata as the name for the species.
Quality: banana fruits from own harvest; small-growing variety of banana giving a ‘tropical touch’ to its surrounding
Use: all-year in a wintergarden or bright room; with some limitations: in pots from June outside on balcony, terrace and in the garden
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