With their golden skins, crisp and juicy pulp, and refreshing apple-pear aroma, Nashi Trees (Pyrus pyrifolia var. culta) should not be missing in any orchard, especially since they are robust and reliable in yield and hardy.
Don't let the unfamiliar Chinese name Nashi (Pyrus pyrifolia var. culta) put you off this exquisite fruit tree: it translates simply as "pear," which is why it's also known as Asian Pear. Another name, Apple Pear, comes from the round, apple-sized fruits, the white flesh of which tastes crisp, juicy, sweet and super refreshing. On top of that, the fruits, which can be kept fresh in the refrigerator for weeks, also look very pretty, as their skin takes on a coppery to golden hue when fully ripe and is covered with many, small, almost glittering dots (lenticels). Nashis bear richly at a young age and are certainly hardy and suitable for the garden. Scientific testing at the University in Warsaw has already determined yields of 13.5 to 15.6 kilograms per plant in 4-year-old plants. The white flowers of Nashis appear late in the spring so that late frost damage is virtually eliminated. The flowers are self-fertile and one plant is sufficient for an annual harvest, although the quantity and fruit size can be increased by adding a second variety. 'Nijeisseiki' with 'Hosui' or 'Kosui' are considered good pollination partners. 'Hosui' is an ideal pollen donor for the other two. The slender trees themselves do well in sunny or semi-shady spots in any standard garden soil, as long as the soil keeps a basic moisture level even in summer (otherwise: watering is necessary). Diseases or pests occur extremely rarely, so that nashis are internationally classified as much easier to care for than many other, classic fruit plants. Varieties:
‘Hosui’: abundant blossom, vigorous growth, fruits are medium-sized with delicious taste, very sweet and juicy; golden peel
‘Kosui’: rich in medium-sized fruits of very high quality; makes an excellent pair with ‘Hosui’ for cross pollination
‘Nijisseiki’: excellent variety for fruits and pollination, vigorous growth Quality: chinese fruits from your own harvest; fruits are real treats and look great; abundant & white & decorative flowers in spring; very hardy
Use: planted out in the garden; in pots from March/April to November outdoors on balcony, terrace and in the garden
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