'Valencia Late' are one of the juicy round orange varieties (Citrus sinensis), which reliably bloom every year and provide a sweet orange harvest in the pot garden or conservatory, where you know exactly what pesticides the plants have not come into contact with. Enjoy your organic oranges!
The well-known Valencia Orange was probably bred in Portugal and is now widely grown in Spain. The varieties ‘Valencia’ and ‘Valencia Late’ differ only in terms of ripening time. This, however, is not differentiated when grown in our country, where they will go dormant during winter. ‘Valencia’- Oranges grow naturally nice and compact and have no thorns. The flowers of ‘Valencia’ are medium-sized (2-3 cm), white, intensely fragrant and, as is typical for oranges, have their main flowering time in early summer, although the bloom may shift slightly depending on overwintering and the plant’s constitution. The fruits are round, the peel a lighter orange than that of navel oranges. They can be easily peeled, but the peel comes off slightly less easily than e.g. that of a navel orange. Because of the juicy, seedless flesh, which reaches a very high sweetness even in our climate, Valencia Oranges are very popular for juicing. Fully ripe fruits may remain on the tree for many weeks and even months without loss of quality. Therefore, the ornamental value of 'Valencia' is also very high.
Quality: intensely fragrant & many flowers; edible & decorative fruits that remain on the tree for a long time; evergreen & glossy & fragrant leaves; compact crown
Use: in pots from April/May outside on balcony, terrace and in the garden - during winter in a winter garden or winter quarter; all year round in a heated conservatory or bright room
Note: All Flora Toskana citrus varieties are GRAFTED. Advantages: Flowering and fruiting from the smallest size (harvest in the first year). Robust roots that forgive care mistakes and ensure longevity. Varietal identity with the highest fruit quality and quantity.
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