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Cactus fruits or prickly pears - how delicious! If you like to harvest from a plant that needs very little care, you can't go wrong with the low-maintenance Prickly Pear (Opuntia ficus indica). The egg-sized, yellowish orange fruits taste mild like papayas.
Tax included
Growth and Size
check The pictures / photos of the plants offered here for purchase represent an exemplary part of the species and genre-related item description, it is explicitly not the plant for sale. For plants, you can calculate the pot content in liters as weight in kilograms. The gross amount displayed can vary due to different sales tax (VAT) regulations depending on the delivery country.


Compared to Opuntia robusta, the ovate leaves of Opuntia ficus-indica are 20-60cm long and 10-25cm wide and relatively large. It belongs to the spiny Prickly Pear varieties. The bright yellow or pink flowers are large and very attractive and are followed by edible spiny fruits, which have a dark red to violet skin when fully ripe in fall. The seeds are surrounded by a soft, juicy, refreshing, mild-tasting flesh. The Prickly Pear is not hardy and must be moved indoors in a pot or container for the winter. Since the Prickly Pear cactus has well adapted to dry environments, be sure to give it full sun and shelter from rain.

punkt_gruen.gif Quality: low maintenance cactus; drought and heat tolerant. Unfortunately, the plants are very sensitive to breaking during transport. But a broken leaf can be replanted and a new plant will grow. Please stabilize well, because the leaves are very heavy in relation to the rather weak growing points

punkt_gruen.gif Usage: from April to October in pots on balcony or terrace or in the garden with overwintering indoors; all year round in frost-free winter gardens



Professional care tips for
Opuntia ficus-indica - Prickly Pear

+++ Care tips for plants in pots or containers on the balcony and terrace, in the winter garden or in the garden +++ Detailed care descriptions from FLORA TOSKANA  +++ 

Location in summer: Full sun and protected from rain

Location in winter: Dry, bright and cool at 5 ° C (+/- 5 ° C). Short-term minimum temperature -5 ° C

Care in summer: The water requirement is low. Water about every 3 days in sunny weather, less frequently in cloudy weather. If you water too much, there is a risk of rot. Too little, Opuntias survive just fine, but then fail to grow. The nutrient requirement is low: Fertilize with cactus fertilizer (dosage according to manufacturer's instructions)

Care in winter: Water Prickly Pear cacti gradually less from September and keep them completely dry from October to March/April

Pruning: Not necessary

Repotting: Repot Prickly Pear cacti only every few years. Use cactus soil

Problems, pests, plant protection: Rarely infested with mealybugs. Problems are more often caused by waterlogging and subsequent root rot

Experts in the world of exotic plants:

Product Details

Data sheet

North America
Flowering period
Color of flowers
Edible fruits
Full sun
winter temperature
8 (±5)°C
Minimum temperature
-5 °C
Hardiness Zones
4 - 5 m