The fig variety 'Turca' produces deep blue-black fruit with the best typical fig aroma in the garden and in containers. Robust variety, very reliable in yield.
'Turca' is one of the most popular and widespread varieties of the fig tree (Ficus carica) in the Mediterranean region, with almost blue-black colored skin, red streaked flesh and an exquisite taste. The fruits are usually pear-shaped and hang down. Ripening time: August/September, depending on overwintering/start of growth in spring. Vigorous growth and broad loose crown. General information on fig trees:
Fig trees have much more to offer than their known, sugar-sweet, drop-shaped fruit, which taste so much better eaten straight off the tree than dried. The huge, hand-shaped leaves are highly decorative. In summer, the sun elicits a tangy, sweet aroma from them that immediately brings to mind Mediterranean landscapes and the last vacation at the Mediterranean Sea. Even in our climate the fruits ripen easily – already when the plants are only 2 years old. Modern varieties no longer depend on the complicated pollination by fig wasps! They develop seedless fruit without fertilisation. A rich harvest is guaranteed every year, especially since fig trees are extremely robust and hardy plants that can be planted in the garden. Even with continuous frost figs have no problems – not only the much described and advertised "frost hardy" varieties! The roots of all fig trees survive any hard winter and produce new growth in spring. Extreme cold of about -15°C, however, will freeze any unprotected tree top. Winter hardiness can be improved by several degrees by covering the plant with fleece, bamboo mats or any other protective material permeable to light and air. Fig trees in pots should be kept indoors from October/November; occasional frost is no problem. Garages, garden sheds and tool sheds can be used for this purpose, as well as cool basement rooms, stairs, unheated conservatories and many other premises (warehouses, barns, etc.). Fig trees generally drop their leaves in fall so that they need only little light during winter. Permanently heated rooms like living rooms or winter gardens are unsuitable for wintering fig trees. In that case the trees would grow unnaturally long shoots and giant leaves and fruit poorly. Over the years they would use up their energy because they do not have winter rest. A cool place in winter is best in any case. Quality: delicious fruit even on very young plants; fruit set without pollination; abundant annual harvest; attractive plants with hand-shaped & aromatic leaves; easy to overwinter
Use: from April in containers on balcony & terrace or in the garden; planted out in the garden; year-round in an unheated conservatory
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