If you are looking for a good fruiting pomegranate, the variety 'Dente di Cavallo' (Punica granatum) is a good choice. The plants are propagated from cuttings and have one to several shoots. Their flowers are red as typical of common pomegranates.
Pomegranates (Punica granatum) are real grenades in terms of fruit and flower size. The bright orange-red, bell-shaped flowers reach 5-6cm in length. They open in early summer or summer, depending on overwintering conditions, and are self-fertile (insect pollination) which means that you need only one plant for harvesting your own red Pomegranate fruits. The reddish-brown fruits can reach 5 to 10cm across and burst open when fully ripe. The seeds inside are surrounded by juicy, red pulp that tastes wonderfully sweet and aromatic. You can either enjoy it freshly squeezed, or buy it as Grenadine syrup. The fruits need only 5 to 7 months to ripen, so you can harvest your own fruits in fall, even when the trees are cultivated in a pot – in winter gardens anyway. When placed in full sun, Pomegranates begin to bloom and bear fruit from the age of 3 to 4 years, which is very early for fruit trees. In a shady place it will grow well, but produce no flowers. Pomegranates are dense shrubs consisting of several shoots. The leaves are soft and turn golden yellow in fall. In April the new leaves grow with a reddish coating. The leafless trees are easy to overwinter because they only need little light and warmth. In regions with mild winters, some customers tell us of cultivation successes with Pomegranates that have thrived for years planted out in the garden. Interestingly, the fruits can be stored for about 6 months and even gain more aroma during this time. Therefore they were and are an important provision for expeditions, cruises or caravans.
Quality: large & bright orange-red flowers; edible fruits; even young trees bear fruits; compact habit; robust & cold tolerant; easy to overwinter
Use: in pots starting April/March outdoors on balcony, terrace or winter garden - during winter indoors; all year round in conservatory beds; planted out in the garden in regions with mild winters.
Data sheet
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